Committed to a sustainable future
CSU Todos Santos is committed to improving the social and environmental well-being of the community. The campus is dedicated to learning, teaching, collaborating, and investing in environmental practices that foster a sustainable future. We focus on daily habits inspired by nature´s cycle systems that help reduce carbon footprint, such as:
- Composting: food waste, napkins, egg cartons, etc.
- Edible gardening: experiments based on local agricultural knowledge, with biofertilizer obtained from composting
- Water conservation: Zero Waste practices at CSU Todos Santos show students how buying locally and growing their own food reduces their carbon footprint as well as the impact of agroindustry in community watersheds.
Recycling efforts
CSU Todos Santos was proud to be part of the first recycling pilot project run by the local government in the second half of 2022. Recycling is taken to the local Punto Verde, where CSU students participate as volunteers. Plastic bags and wrappers are diverted from the dump and used to fill up EcoBricks, plastic bottles packed full of non-recyclable packaging materials and repurposed for use in art projects, gardens and farms, or construction.
Sustainability collaboration
CSU Todos Santos works in collaboration with Alianza Cero Basura on education outreach within the regional school system and global Zero Waste networks, participation in local festivals with a focus and waste separation and the elimination of single-use plastics, and community clean ups alongside municipality and fishing co-ops.
Get involved
CSU Todos Santos is committed to inter-cultural knowledge exchanges and solutions by providing educational services in the community and for all students studying at the campus.
Request a sustainability workshop.
CSU Todos Santos offers residential and local sustainability internship opportunities.