Antonio Diego-Fernàndez Rozada

Program Coordinator 

[email protected]

Antonio joined CSU Todos Santos in May 2022 as a Program Coordinator for sustainability efforts, with an emphasis on Zero Waste. A Communication and Media major with a Sustainable Development degree, Antonio moved to Baja California Sur in 2009 and has been working for internationally funded conservation projects since. 

Antonio’s experience is working hand-in-hand with scientists and rural community members such as fishermen, campesinos, teachers, children. His role has included understanding the complexity of communicating between sectors where knowledge is being generated: at the intersection of rural inherited expertise (certainty) and experimental science. 

During the recent pandemic, Antonio moved to México City and wrote his first novel, in which he researched the history of composting in the traditional livelihoods of ancient México and its relationship with today’s carbon sequestration needs.